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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Number one Health Problem in the world starvation even when you follow a proper foods diet and why

 Number one Health Problem in the world starvation even when you follow a proper foods diet and why even when you follow a proper foods diet and why building of digestive enzymes

The Number One Health Problem In The World Thinking you can digest food at your convenience and leisure cause Unknown why people doctors and even other species have proven it time and time again that this is a fact: think this  causes death and most diseases you cannot not schedule digestive enzymes for they must be released from the blood to  your organs through your bone into marrow then flow to your digestive system then re absorption takes place into your digestive track which makes you able to digest nutrients which cannot be set to what time or reason you decide  or even doctors medical treatments of any kind or recommendations  eat early as possible food will stay in place until  digestive process can begin food eat soluble nutrients if soluble nutrients is not or present these enzymes weakening dissolves and have to begin all again what what ever reason you have not enough or enough believing this process can happen at anytime in the necessary amount you or anyone can control results are its adds up to sickness and early death and natural death and cause of death when proper nutrient are readily available eat ingest them as early as you and  contain all available proper nutrients when cycle is over or begins  juices form slowly  advice have food waiting to processes because warning proper digestive enzymes cannot be produced and timed and do not remain in predictable amounts or digest in predictable amounts medicines cant work in predictable amount of time plus enzymes enzymes also with other  enzymes  cant solve and digest what you have ingested. as a belief or schedule  no matter who or what reason or says it can"period" no assurance Period of time can be made through treatments  or daily life eat soon as possible the best you can find always as long as you can divide up snacks and  meals  eat all day all night begin a 24 hours cycle  period and continue always other food left behind drink lots of water does not promote bacteria viruses and other disease parasites like probiotics worms Alkaline can be a  infestation proof probiotics and what they are bacteria is the  first stage of viruses breading ground  in your body like what people buy on the street about alkaline water  alkalinity in water even kills fish wont survive long as but ocean water non alkaline  heals if used on wounds  regenerates blood and tissue cells through skin without drinking and should not be drunken orally cancer agent when taking internal same for fish causes tumor to accelerate  that is why we have tap( Faucet )water is good and tested proven on unimaginable sewage and kills it we  need to kill germs and so on Forget the particle trick off how to sell you water look what particles they give you bacteria viruses softer bones and other diseased parasites  probiotics worms before we reach a infestation  breading grounds of things  we cannot predict or schedule inside us period  to stop control consumption of your alkalinity water  helps stop  infestation   decay of the body while simple trace  particles and trace mineral very few live anything period of Tap Faucet Water

 Number one Health Problem in the world starvation even when you follow a proper foods diet and why even when you follow a proper foods diet and why building of digestive enzymes

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